Come join the employment lawyers at Weintraub Tobin as they present the second session of our wage and hour series.LaborEmpSeminarLogo

Summary of Program

The ever increasing number of claims filed with the Department of Labor and California Labor Commissioner for unpaid overtime, and the increasing number of wage and hour class action lawsuits, highlight the

Join the Labor and Employment team at Weintraub Tobin as we present the final session of our three part wage and hour series.

Summary of Program

The ever increasing number of claims filed with the Department of Labor and California Labor Commissioner for unpaid overtime, and the increasing number of wage and hour class action

Summary of Program

There is no universal way to prepare for a governmental audit, investigation or inspection. The employment laws governing your workplace have different compliance requirements and governmental agencies have different agendas and degrees of power. This webinar will include tips on whether, and how to, conduct a self-audit; understanding the do’s and don’ts

By:  Lizbeth V. West

As many California employers are learning the hard way these days, the misclassification of workers as independent contractors rather than employees can have far reaching consequences when an employer is audited by different governmental agencies during either a random audit or an audit that is prompted in response to a claim

The risks involved in misclassifying a worker as an independent contractor rather than an employee have always been serious. A number of federal and state agencies regulate the proper classification of workers and have the authority to impose significant monetary and non-monetary sanctions against employers who get the classification wrong. Continue Reading Upcoming Seminar: Independent Contractor v. Employee – “Saying It’s So, Doesn’t Make It So”