My colleague Brendan Begley blogged last week about the risks employers face due to the threat of COVID-19 in the workplace. As he noted, employees have the right to expect employers to follow city, county, and state orders and take reasonable precautions to minimize the risk to a known “direct threat” to health and safety.
Do You Own a Hotel? – New Regulations Going Into Effect
In January, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board (OSHSB) adopted new regulations intended to prevent and reduce workplace injuries suffered by housekeepers in the hotel and hospitality industry. The new regulations, which go into effect on July 1st, require California hotel (and other lodging) employers to adopt a Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Program (MIPP) to complement the Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP), which should already be in place. The MIPP must include:
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OSHA Penalties For Health & Safety Violations Are Going Way Up Starting August 1, 2016
In November 2015, Congress enacted legislation requiring federal agencies to adjust their civil penalties to account for inflation. The Department of Labor (DOL) adjusted penalties for its agencies, including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
OSHA’s maximum penalties, which were last adjusted in 1990, will increase by 78%. Going forward, the agency will continue…
Upcoming Webinar – A Health Workplace is a Safe Workplace: Addressing Bullying, Threats and Violence
Summary of Program
Federal and state OSHA laws protect California workers from unsafe working conditions. However, the federal and state statutes and regulations are complex and can be difficult to understand. This seminar is designed to remove some of the mystery from federal and state OSHA requirements and assist you in maintaining compliance. In addition, new regulations require employers to train supervisors about bullying. This seminar will explain those requirements.
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Upcoming Seminar: Creating a Healthy Workplace – OSHA, IIPP and Workplace Violence
Summary of Program
Federal and state OSHA laws protect California workers from unsafe working conditions. However, the federal and state statutes and regulations are complex and can be difficult to understand. This seminar is designed to remove some of the mystery from federal and state OSHA requirements and assist you in your compliance.
Program Highlights…