Summary of Program

Join Weintraub Tobin employment attorney, Beth West, as she discusses the fundamentals of an effective workplace investigation.

Program Highlights

  • The duty to investigate
  • Determining who will do the investigation
  • Tips for conducting the investigation
    • Preparation
    • Witness Interviews
    • Documentation
  • The consequences for a poorly planned or incomplete investigation
  • The consequences for failing to

Summary of Program

There is no universal way to prepare for a governmental audit, investigation or inspection. The employment laws governing your workplace have different compliance requirements and governmental agencies have different agendas and degrees of power. This webinar will include tips on whether, and how to, conduct a self-audit; understanding the do’s and don’ts

Thursday, May 17, 2012
9:00 a.m. – Registration and Breakfast
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. – Program
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Floor, Sacramento, CA

Can You Keep a Secret?

From trade secrets like product recipes and algorithms to confidential details about financing, customers and costs, all businesses have information that could be devastating if it