With Special Guest Speaker, Vincent Catalano from Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., Inc. 

The Supreme Court has spoken and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“PPACA”) is here to stay. It is now critical that employers of all sizes learn how the PPACA may impact their workplace. Join Weintraub Tobin, and special guest speaker

By: Chelcey E. Lieber

Attendance at work seems like an obvious requirement to keep a job, right? The unfortunate answer often given by lawyers to that question is, “it depends.” In the employee-friendly state of California, permitting telecommuting or exemptions to an attendance policy may be a reasonable accommodation if a person has a disability. However, recently, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals confirmed that predictable attendance can be an essential function of certain jobs; in this case, the job of a neo-natal intensive care unit (“NICU”) nurse.Continue Reading Is Compliance with an Attendance Policy an Essential Function of the Job? The Ninth Circuit says “Yes!”