Sacramento County’s Department of Human Assistance (DHA) is implementing a new subsidized employment program called the “Job Opportunity Program.” The Job Opportunity Program is a new job stimulus program funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 and authorized under the federal TANF Emergency Contingency Fund (ECF). Through this funding the County will reimburse participating employers 80% of the employer’s subsidized employment program, which could include 100% of the employee’s wages for up to six months. Participants are men and women who have marketable skills but are currently unemployed or underemployed. Participants placed with an employer will closely match the established minimum requirements.
The purpose is to assist the local economy through an employment subsidy of local business’s hiring needs, and to promote employment of skilled CalWORKs participants who are unemployed or underemployed. Job retention is the expected outcome after the conclusion of the contracted period. This program opportunity will end on September 30, 2010.
Interested employers should contact DHA to discuss how the Program is administered. Please see the DHS Flyer and Brochure that provides further details on the Program.