Readers of this blog may recall our discussion of a “bad faith” attorney’s fees award made by the trial court in the Aerotek v. The Johnson Group case. To view a copy of our previous post, click here. As a refresher, Aerotek sued its former employee and that former employer’s new employer claiming misappropriation
bad faith
“Animosity” Is Not Bad Faith For Attorneys’ Fees In Trade Secret Cases
By James Kachmar on
Posted in Trade Secrets and Competition
Prior blog posts have addressed the issue of when a court may award attorneys’ fees in a trade secret misappropriation case. Under the California trade secret statute, the court may award attorneys’ fees where there has been a willful and malicious misappropriation of plaintiff’s trade secrets or when a trade secret misappropriation claim is brought…
Surrender is Futile – Court of Appeal Affirms “Bad Faith” Attorney’s Fees Award in Trade Secrets Case
By Charles L. Post on
Posted in Trade Secrets and Competition
There are good, legitimate reasons for filing a trade secret and unfair competition case. The protection of trade secrets and proprietary information and protection against unfair conduct by competitors are just a few. There are also business reasons for bringing such a claim, including burdening a competitor or a startup competitor with the cost of …